01.05 주보
Weekly Paper
The church that will heal the diseased world,
The church that will correctly rebuild the dying churches,
The church that evangelizes the 237 nations,
The church that brings up the next-gen leaders and prepares the future.
8:30 AM – 1st Main Worship (English Translation)
10:30 AM – English Worship
11:30 AM – 2nd Main Worship (Korean)
7:45 PM – 237 Evangelism Worship (English Translation)
7:45 PM – Summit Worship (English Translation)
The church that will heal the diseased world,
The church that will correctly rebuild the dying churches,
The church that evangelizes the 237 nations,
The church that brings up the next-gen leaders and prepares the future.
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offering information!
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Transfer through “Zelle” to [email protected]
Please include your name and offering names
(Ex. John Doe, Tithe $00, Thanksgiving $00, Missions $00)
Offerings: Tithe, Thanksgiving, Missions, Building, Remnant, Scholarship,
Relief, Lord’s Day. etc.
*체크로 보내실 시
Pay To the Order: Washington Chodae Church
보내실 곳: 4528 Shirley Gate Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030
우편 받는 이: Chodae Church
*온라인 헌금 시
Zelle을 사용하여 [email protected]로 송금
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